Wednesday 11 June 2014

The shawl from hell

Sure, it's absolutely gorgeous.  But it took me from December until the beginning of this month to finish this.  Going to stick to small projects for the next little while.

The lace finish was probably the least boring part of it, and thus my favourite part.  And not nearly as complicated as it looks!

The arrow and ridges part was also fairly simple.  It's just that it was a large project and was. So. Boring.  If I hadn't told my mum that it was for her, I'd keep it forevermore and never let anyone touch it, to make sure it lasted as long as humanly possible.

The pattern is from Crochet! magazine, Winter 2013, and it's called the Lisdoonvarna Shawl, by Bonnie Barker.  The level suggested is intermediate, but I'd put it more as advanced beginner.  I kind of wish I'd done the suggested red, but if I ever get faster and want to torture myself again, I'll do that for myself.

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